17 Nov

Universities Given ‘how-to’ Guide For Fighting Islam

Universities given ‘how-to’ guide for fighting violent Islam
Times Online. UK
The Government today issued explicit guidelines aimed at tackling violent Islamist extremism on Britain’s university campuses.
A 20-page booklet aimed at university Vice Chancellors and principals of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) advises campus administrators how best to resist extremist groups and preachers attempting to radicalise their students and commit themselves to violent jihad.
The document, following general guidelines issued last year to tackle all forms of extremism among students, contains several “real life” scenarios specifically aimed at targeting Islamism.
As well a definition of “violent extremism in the name of Islam”, the guidelines describe various pieces of anti-terrorism legislation that might be relevant to controlling extremist groups.
The scenarios described in the booklet include the invitation of a preacher suspected of justifying terrorist attacks against British civilians; the taking over of an Islamic prayer room; and the radicalising of an Islamic students group, in which moderate members are frozen out and bullied into electing hardline leaders.
In another case, “a member of teaching staff has raised concerns with university authorities about some literature that was left lying around in a university room in which she took a tutorial group.
“Some leaflets were written in English, and others appeared to be in Arabic. She reported that the literature in English had titles such as ‘Who is a legitimate target?’ and ‘From Jihad to a new world order.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
No need for a 2 page booklet, just shoot them. Use the I May Tag machine.
See Islam get violent
Shoot the terrorists

TomR says:

The best way universities can fight islam is to ban them outright. But Arab oil money pays too well and the universities want that cash to pay their tenured, leftist, anti-American, shit head professors.

Wild Thing says:

Tom ditto!
When I was a little girl, my Dad was talking to my Mom about how he was against the school milk program. I was just listening because I was just a little kid and yet it was interesting to me. He said that the reason was because once a school accepted handouts or help from government sources etc. the government could come in at any time and tell the school what to teach or not teach etc. Kind of a smiliar thing like you just said. Accepting funds like from Arab oil money etc. leaves the door wide open for thier control small or large.
Thanks Tom.