21 Oct

Islamic TV Channel Expands Its U.S. Audience

An Islamic TV Channel Expands Its U.S. Audience
The MEMRI Report
NY Sun
Bridges TV, an American-Islamic TV channel “seeking to improve the image of Muslims in the United States” and to “offer a unique perspective on the Middle East and the war on terrorism,” has extended its availability into six states, creating a potential audience of nearly 2 million.
Some guests, however, are extremists. One religious figure who appeared October 3 said Muslims have a duty to change America and to increase their numbers to 50% of the population from 2%. He recommended that Shariah, or Islamic law, be implemented in American courts.
During a roundtable discussion on the Arab-Israeli conflict on October 5, one participant offered a solution:

“For the Jews to leave and return to Europe.”

One of the stars of Bridges TV is a cofounder and vice chairman of the international health care company CBay Inc., Donald “Skip” Conover….

” In the article, Mr. Conover expressed “his disgust” at what he called inflammatory statements about Arabs and Muslims in the press.

He also discussed the power of the “Jewish lobby” and called on all Muslims to vote for the Democratic Party. “Every American politician is in lockstep with Israel. …

“If the Muslims of America believe that they don’t want Bush to have a free hand for the next two years, then the Muslims of America need to get organized and make sure they get out to vote for Democrats for both the House and the Senate,” Mr. Conover added. “Every Muslim in the Middle East who has a relative in the U.S. should get the message across to their relatives. They need to make sure that all their friends vote against Bush.”

Bridges TV claims that its “major purpose” is “to build bridges between American Muslims and other Americans.” After viewing the channel, I find this highly unlikely.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Good grief!!! This is the website for this Islamic TV Channel. I had to check it out.
This has always been my opinon of these kinds of channels. The Spanish channels do not speak English. Why? If they really wanted to assimliate into America then these channels would be in English for one thing.
This has always been my opinion of these kinds of channels. The Spanish channels do not speak English. Why? If they really wanted to assimilate into America then these channels would be in English for one thing.
In regards to this Islamic channel it stinks and ticks me off big time! It has NO intention of building anything except for hate. The comments about Jews, telling people to vote for Democrats. What the hell is that!!!!!! It is obviously a channel full of hate, lies and spew, catering to the death cult followers of Islam.
From the article, also…..”Throughout the day, Bridges TV airs segments of Koranic verses, quite a few of which denounce “unbelievers.” One notable verse that aired October 9 praised martyrdom.”

Billy says:

They may have a hard time. CNN pretty much has their market cornered. That’s great !!!! vote for democrats!!!!! It’s stuff like this that shoud be in the republican campaign commercials. The enemy wants your vote.
“Jews to leave and return to Europe”,….Yup, …yessirreee, that ought to help paint a better picture of Islam. I say give em free reign. The more they talk, the more they bury themselves. Now…. the minute they try to take any action……shoot them, behead them and drag their burning mutilated bodies through the streets. We can deny any wrongdoing by simply saying that we are trying to be more like Muslims.

Wild Thing says:

Billy, very true.
“The more they talk, the more they bury themselves.”
They just keep proving there is no such thing as a moderate.

TomR says:

I cannot find legitimate reason for our government to allow the islamic influence to continue to grow in America. Islam is the enemy!
I realize this refers to the Clinton Administration but it also serves to illustrate our offical mindset; Why such a response of force to Koreshe at Waco and an individual at Ruby Ridge, but ho-hum at a cult of over a billion that wants to destroy us?

Jack says:

Aaaarrgh!!! Bust some caps.

Wild Thing says:

Tom I agree, it makes no sense at all. Why our country can’t say no, just say NO to these people. Grrrrrrr