22 Mar

Vacationing College Students Questioned on Obama, Current Events and Politics ~ They Gave Obama a D-

‘O’Reilly Factor’ producer Jesse Waters visits Florida to ask spring breakers what they know about the latest news of the day and also to grade President Obama on his performance. Obama gets a ‘D’ and the rest is painful because these students are clueless when it comes to current events.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL well they are not all clueless,….at least many of them gave Obama a D and a D- .

Willy says:

..so these are America’s college students,tomorrow’s leaders? Yeesh! Before gas prices increased, these kids were disengaged entirely. Now the are engaged albeit ill informed. But that is improvement. Perhaps the gas-price cloud does have a silver lining….

TomR,armed in Texas says:

But, will they still vote for obama? He will come across as more interesting than Romney and these college kids are much more into aesthetics than they are into substance.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

The same OCCUPY COLLEGE CROWD that put Dr. Zhicago and his Baracksheviks in power 3 years ago Wild Thing?

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone.