25 Sep

Guard the Borders Blogburst

This week’s Blogburst was written by Toni at Bear Creek Ledger.

All of these stories were found in the last couple days posted to Lucianne.

‘Border Baby’ boom strains S. Texas – There’s a picture with the story of an illegal alien who’s given birth to her fourth child on American soil at American taxpayer expense who thinks it’s owed to her!

Of course the real story is how ‘anchor babies’ are breaking the backs of South Texas hospitals.

Continue reading Guard the Borders Blogburst

Tincan Sailor says:

Well it could be worse. We could lay down some
land mines…

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor the whole thing is amazing, what a world we live in.

TomR says:

President Bush and Texas Governor Perry have been out to lunch on this issue for years. This immigration fiasco is why I am voting for Kinky Friedman in the gubnatorial race. He has some conservative, some liberal, and a lot of sane ideas, but his #1 goal for Texas is immigration control.

raz0r says:

The only thing we owe that girl is a swift, hard boot to her backside as we send her south across the border.