Prior to the Republican debate, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal talked to CNN’s John King about why he’s endorsing Perry. Executive experience, economy and jobs is Rick Perry’s strength Jindal tells King. He says Rick Perry understands the founder’s vision.
Wiild Thing’s comment…..
I like this very much. Bobby being a Gov. endorses Gov. Perry and both of them have had nothing but trouble from Obama so they really know first hand how bad Obama has been to deal with as Gov.
Bobby Jindal is a good man and a good governor. Both Louisiana and Texas have been hurt by Obama’s unlawful drilling ban in the Gulf.
I am glad the Gov, Jindal made this endorsement. It is a committment and Jindal is not straddling the fence like so many politicians do. Jindal and Perry take stands and stick with them. No wishy-washy with these two patriots.
Jindal would make a great VP choice for Perry. That would get two great conservatives into Washington.
I agree with all of you, thank you.