31 Aug

Obama’s ATF Director Reassigned; U.S. Attorney Out Amid ‘Fast and Furious’ Uproar

ATF Director Reassigned; U.S. Attorney Out Amid ‘Fast and Furious’ Uproar
FOX News

Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson has been reassigned to a lesser post in the Justice Department and the U.S. attorney for Arizona is also “out,” sources tell Fox News Tuesday as fallout from Operation Fast and Furious reaches new heights.

Melson’s step down from his role as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to the position of senior adviser on forensic science in the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Programs is effective by close of business Tuesday, administration officials announced. U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones will replace Melson.

U.S. Attorney for Arizona Dennis Burke, one of the officials closely tied to Fast and Furious, is also a casualty in a shakeup tied to the botched gun-running program. Burke was on the hot seat last week with congressional investigators and, according to several sources, got physically sick during questioning and could not finish his session.


Wild Thing’s comment…..
Obstruction of Justice from Obama and the Justice Department, Obama trying to protect his butt in this whole thing.
I remember when Melson refused to resign and said he would NOT be the fall guy and did whistle blow. he has a good case. He “blew the whistle” on July 4th. The gov’t retaliated yesterday. Melson also testified before Congress in secret.
ATF Chief Testifies Before Congress in Secret Over Controversial Gun Program
Which means it took 3 seconds for the testimony to reach Obama instead of 2.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Waco, Ruby Ridge and “Fast and Furious” . What else does one need to know about the ATF hierarchy under Democrat administrations. There are some good field agents in ATF, but the agency has had rogue leadership for decades. Too many of the ATF brass are anti Second Amendment people. Their actions speak volumes of criminal behavior in a Federal agency.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, good one, thanks for your input about this.