28 Aug

Hurricane Irene – Weather Channel Streaker ~ OMG …LOL

Weather Channel viewers were blown away when a young fan dropped his shorts during their hurricane coverage.

Wild Thing’s comment….
LOL well the guy has a lot of stupid nerve I will give him that.
Hi mom and Dad I am home….oh how was your day son?

BobF says:

That’s what happens with live coverage and no delays. Good thing that wasn’t a Fox affiliate or Obama would have the FCC on them.

Willy says:

..I suppose that all of us respond to extreme conditions in our own way. Some can grin and “bare” it. Did the announcer on camera know what was happening with the streaking kid?

Willy says:

..I suppose that all of us respond to extreme conditions in our own way. Some can grin and “bare” it. Did the announcer on camera know what was happening with the streaking kid?

Wild Thing says:

Bob, haha your right. At first I thought it was a FOX reporter doing the story.

Wild Thing says:

Willy, I don’t think the reporter knew about it until afterward. I would guess he crew had a good laugh about the whole thing.
I agree Willy too that people all respond in their own way.