Faithful Dog Named Hawkeye Stays Near Casket of Fallen Navy SEAL Throughout Funeral Service
Here is video on the funeral for Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, who died in the chopper crash earlier this month after it was shot down in Afghanistan by Taliban fighters. Petty Officer Tumilson was buried in Iowa this week, and at the funeral, his devoted dog Hawkeye, stayed by his casket throughout the service.
Thank God for brave heroes like Jon Tumilson. His life and service is an example to us all, and we all stand on the shoulders of patriots like him who have literally given their lives for our nation.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This made me cry.
With my whole heart I hope our troops and Veterans know how much their sacrifice means to me and how grateful. Not one will be forgotten……Never.
A very moving picture. It serves to represent all the KIAs from all of our wars.
Tom, beautiully put….
every now and then there is a story such as this one that brings out the true feelings in our heart’s, for not only does our love and compassion go our for our fallen hero navy seal jon tumilson but we also feel the pain and sorrow that “hawkeye” has , as he stands guard waiting for his friend’s return. it is truly one of the moments in time that if a tear is not shed your simply not human. chrissy both you and tom as well as the rest of your devoted readers are human in my regard, and i would like to add a hat-tip to all of you who make me proud to be an american and equally proud to count you among my friends, -gary