29 Jun

Obama’s Policies Just Making It Worse, As Obama LIES And Says In Iowa: My Economic Policies Pulled The Country Back From The Brink

Despite the fact that the administration’s economic policies have failed to pull our economy out of its deep slump, Democrats and the president are pushing for more of the same. They want to run up our deficit, raise taxes on job creators, and cripple small businesses with burdensome regulations.


9.1% unemployment, a $14.4 trillion debt, a $1.65 trillion deficit, record foreclosures, near record gas prices, 13 million unemployed, underemployment at 24 million and Barack Obama tells us his decisions have pulled the economy back from the brink.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
A person that would vote for obama a second time has to either hate America as much as he does, or have the IQ of a door knob..
I am glad the Republicans are finally starting to hold these press conference type things to at least show us they are speaking up.

Carlos says:

This is what Republicans must hammer every day, day in and day out, incessantly and without rest:
making the devastating and destructive failures of this administration the primary issue to ensure victory in 2012.

Mark says:

Taking money out of the economy, then taxing it and putting the remainder back into the economy expecting something to grow, is like trying to raise chickens without a Rooster.

Sean says:

The Economy is the, Elephant in the Room, no matter what he and his syncophants say or how they try to spin it, it still is going to be the thing that will bring defeat. It has to every President, running for re-election, with a poor economic record, in recent History.
When it gets down to it most Americans look at their pocketbook , and vote accordingly.
It somewhat related theme. I saw a saying the other day which may or may not apply.
“You voted for Obama in ’08, to prove you weren’t a racist, don’t vote for him in ’12 ,and prove you’re not an idiot’.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Dr. Zhicago is getting gray faster than Michelle is getting wider hips, eh?

Wild Thing says:

Carlos, I agree and it should be like you said hammered not just mentioned. I hope and pray our politicians on America’s side realize it is not just we the people that want the right thing done, but America cannot stand any more of this destruction.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL good one!

Wild Thing says:

Sean, that is an excellent quote to use. Thank you.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, LMAO true.