27 Apr

Obama Afraid Of Trump ? You Bet! Obama Spent Millions Of Dollars Trying Not To Release His BC We Will See If This Is For Real Meanwhile Obama Hands Trump a Win!


Trump Talks about how the press is protective of Obama and no one else. Then also goes on to discuss obama’s school records.


Obama on Birth Certificate: ‘We Do Not Have Time for This Silliness’


Wild Thing’s comment………
Obama spent millions and sat and watched Lt. Col. Terry Lakin get convicted in a military court, serve time in a military prison and will be shortly dishonorably discharged. Let’s never forget that.
My question for obama IF this one is for real , he better have a DAMN GOOD reason why he let it get this far.
Lakin deserves that (at the VERY least).
Just to see those stress fractures in Obama’s face as he stood at those mics without a teleprompter and smiled and joked but still looked scared and flustered and off-guard and like he was standing in front of a speeding locomotive.

Anon says:

Mr. Obama Is Not a “Natural Born Citizen,” Therefore Illegal to Be Potus!!!

Eddy Burke says:

I don’t understand it. Why now? Why not earlier? And why a PDF copy and not the original? What the heck is going on? Would not be surprised if the Democrats want Obama to be thrown under the bus by Donald Trump and are helping him to do so. Then they can finally come up with Hilary Clinton as alternative candidate, and still blame the Republicans for the damage done to Obama… 🙂

Jim says:

Eddy, it’s hard to figure out the motive. The one released today, to my untrained eye, looks phony. We’ll see what the experts have to say.
Since when is “African” a race?

BobF says:

His mothers first name is Stanley?
Since when is African a race? There are three races of people in the world: Caucasian, Negroid, and Oriental. Today they may use African American on a birth certificate but in 1961, Negro would have been used.

Wild Thing says:

Anon, thanks for the link.

Wild Thing says:

Eddy, good questions thanks. I think too the dems that have had enough of obama even some of the politicians imo are glad about what Trump has been doing. They won’t say it of course but in private I bet they are.

Wild Thing says:

Jim good point, thanks. “Since when is “African” a race?”

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I agree, this is going to be a fake.