A Czech Television (ČTV) documentary is threatening to raise tensions within the country’s Muslim population to a level not seen here during weeks of recent global unrest over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
Czech Muslim community say they are outraged by a documentary aired on ČTV last fall that used hidden camera footage of conversations in a Prague mosque and spliced it — they say unfairly — with images of terrorism.
“The reaction is usually immediate, while in this case it took a month for any reaction to appear and two months for it to grow,” says Jiří Ovečka, the documentary’s producer. “It was the same with the Muhammad cartoons.”
You can watch it HERE It is 28 minutes long, in Czech with English subtitles.
Here is a quote from the video:
“Apparently, the Muslims consider Germany and not only Germany, to be their own, Islamic country.”
Thank you Jack at Conservative Insurgent for telling me about this and the link.
The Muzzziiieees are unhappy again, well don’t
that just rock the boat,TMFB….they can just
whizzz up a rope as far as I’m concerned….
WT here is the link to LTC Randolph C White Jr
when you need a boost for the day check it out
It will pump you up big time
Tincan Sailor, thank you so much for the link.
WT here is an other feel good post!!!
Operation Comfort and Ampsurf.
The mission: To give some amputee soldiers and marines a chance to surf.
The outcome: A stoke beyond all belief.
Operationcomfort.org and ampsurf.com teamed up in Pismo Beach, CA August 16-20 to give a bunch of amputee soldiers and marines the opportunity to surf. For 4-5 hours a day they learned to surf thanks to a small army of fortunate volounteers. Whether they had day two, one or no legs to stand on, the vets gave it their all. Local coverage was huge – the whole surf community was in on it. Even CNN, and National Geographic showed up.
I was blessed by the presence of the soldiers and marines here on the Central Coast. The determination that these guys and gals showed as well as the “determined fun” that they were working for was an inspiration to us all.
When I looked at these guys – my eyes started to mist, not out of pity, but of pride at the quality of our young men and women in our armed services. I was so happy to actually give something tangible to them (a taste of the coolest sport ever) for all that they and hundreds of thousands have done for me and my family. Bcause they are “out there” sacraficing. My family can sleep peacefully.
Seeing these guys (me at 42) I thought that I had the opportunity do do what they did – serve in the armed forces. But I didn’t. Getting in the water and pushing a board ahead of the wave for these guys was an honor. It is a stoke that will last a lifetime. Again, I was given a gift I didn’t deserve. Guys and gals – keep the stoke alive and thank you. Operationcomfort.org, you’re awesome! I look forward to seeing you next year.
Glenn Norberg
WT check out Blackfive on the discoverie of the
12 Imam, and click on the link for his picture!
A very true likeness I might add!!
I wonder what the timetable is for the plan by muslims to rise up and overtake Europe. It appears some Europeans are really getting worried. Do the Europeans have a counterplan? If the Czechs only have 10K muslims they still have a chance, but Germany anf France are looking at internal war that would rival WWII.
What is the muslims timetable for America? Do we have a counterplan-answer; No! Because it would be politically incorrect. We have lousy leadership!
HI Tincan Sailor thank you for both of your comments. I love reading about Operation Comfort and Ampsurf.
And I am headed over to Blackfive right now.
Tom you are soooo right!!! And I especially hate how PC has to keep messing with our military. GRRRRRrrrrrr!
When you check out the speach by ltc white
down load it to your hard drive and then
you can go full screen and the sound is better.
Yes it is better that way, thank you Tincan Sailor.
If you want to fight against the muslims, provoke them. The more than rant, scream, complain and espicially reply with violence the worse their position looks.