03 Feb

Senate Repeal Of Obamacare Fails 47-51 Party-Line Vote and VILE Union SEIU ( exempt from it) Lobbyed Hard Against Repeal

Senate Republicans took their stand — forcing the Dems to go on record in defense of the Obamacare nightmare from which hundreds of unions have escaped.
CLICK HERE to see how everyone voted…..Roll Call.
A Republican drive to repeal the year-old health care law ended in party-line defeat in the Senate on Wednesday, leaving the Supreme Court to render a final, unpredictable verdict on an issue steeped in political and constitutional controversy. The vote was 47-51. Moments earlier, the Senate agreed to make one relatively minor change in the law, voting to strip out a paperwork requirement for businesses.
Sen. McConnell said the fight is far from over!!!!

SEIU fights healthcare repeal after obtaining waivers from law
This is despite the fact that several SEIU chapters have been granted Obamacare waivers.
The Hill
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is lobbying hard against the amendment offered by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) to repeal the healthcare reform law.
SEIU has sent e-mails to Senate offices urging lawmakers to vote against the proposal to unwind President Obama’s signature domestic initiative.

“A vote in support of this amendment is a vote to raise out-of-pocket healthcare costs for working families and takes away critical consumer protections provided to Americans for the first time,” SEIU urged senators, according to a copy of the e-mail obtained by The Hill.

The lobby informed senators that a vote for McConnell’s amendment would count against them on its legislative scorecard.

SEIU’s outspoken defense of the law has prompted charges of hypocrisy from Republicans, given that some of the union’s chapters have sought waivers exempting them from a key provision of the law requiring the phaseout of health plans with low caps on annual benefits.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Democrats will never listen to the we the people NEVER!
Hypocritical thugs!
I swear I would love to meet one of the SEIU people in person……..just once. It would make my day to tell them off.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

At least the war against obamacare has started. The Repubs seem to have gotten their spines starched since the 2010 elections. Perhaps this issue will go before SCOTUS. If so, I think there is a good chance they will rule obamacare unconstitutional.

Sean says:

Tom, you don’t need to hope, this issue is headed for the SCOTUS. The rulings by the Judges in Florida and Virginia, plus the suit by the 26 states, guarantees it.
We may think of this Court as being Liberal in their decisions and in some cases they are. This, however is a Constitutional Issue, and the majority of this Court believes in the strict interpretation of that Document.
Not surprising that no Democrats voted to repeal, what is surprising is the fact that the Republicans, voted straight party line.
Actions like this gives one hope that maybe the real conservative legislators are having an influence on the RINOs. At least they have in this case, which is the Cornerstone of why we voted as we did.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, big huge yes and I am so glad it has started. We waited a long time for this.
Sean, I agree it does give one hope, the two Judges that have ruled it unConstitutional is really a huge thing and now on to the SCOTUS.