Donald Trump is Awakening the American Dream
by Robert Davi
Actor, singer, Hollywood conservative and Breitbart columnist Robert Davi.
On June 15, while Donald Trump was announcing his candidacy for President of the United States, I began to write.
My article was published here on June 16, and I was way out front in how Donald Trump would resonate with the American people. Needless to say, I received tons of flak and ridicule. Also, the majority of pundits smirkingly dismissed it as an absurdity to think Trump would make a serious run.
Well, my dear fellow Americans, it is now two months since he made his announcement and I must say—while I feel there are some terrific candidates—Trump towers over all like a colossus
For years I have heard people say “what America needs is someone who is successful to run the country,” “is this the best America has to offer?”, ” there is so much scrutiny in running anyone who is very successful would never run,” etc., etc. Enter Donald Trump.
Trump is a force of nature with a love for America that has made him sacrifice his very successful life. He now brings a message of bold, forceful, positive energy. I do not like when I hear him referred to as “bombastic.”
When pundits refer to him this way it is because the Donald does not fit into the cookie cutter way they perceive politics, and his direct, no nonsense style is criticized to minimize his message. While I listen to all the candidates speak, Trump inspires the most confidence. I believe he will be able to negotiate with other world leaders. I believe he can inspire the confidence to bring Americans together and reset our national will. I believe he is exactly what America needs right now.
We do not need another politician who has no life experience, but is mired in the bureaucratic thinking that keeps the status quo. I want someone who can build, and Trump has proven he can build and negotiate. But even more, Trump has what Reagan had: the ability to communicate and inspire confidence.
While I intently listen to some very good candidates speak, I feel ok nice, fine, good, but I am not excited. They may say the right things, but I really do not feel they have the force of personality or experience to “Make America Great Again.” Herein lies the strength of Donald Trump.
I watched Trump on Meet the Press and was quite impressed. Chuck Todd pressed him on several issues, and whether you agree with Trump’s ideas or not, he comes across as absolutely authentic, not political.
While Todd attempted to trap Trump—and expected him to come across as unlikable or clueless—Trump answered honestly and directly. He had Todd stumped. Watch Chuck Todd’s face, you will see a subtle look of perplexity and frustration that he wasn’t able to make the Donald look, well, un-presidential.
In fact, I say that Donald Trump came across as a potential Leader of the Free World that will have to be reckoned with. He is a man who wants and will get some of the best America has to offer to negotiate with other countries . How refreshing. I for one have watched bureaucrats and politicians make bad deals and sell out this country.
It is time we have a leader that does not apologize for wanting America to reclaim its destiny and this is resonating with a wide range of people, not just the “angry Americans ” the media would have you believe .
Legal immigrants who came to America—hoping to live the dream it was built on—are pulling for Trump. For instance, Ali and Sayeed, who work in the gas station I usually get my gas from are talking about how they are for Trump. Women who are nurses, lawyers, and hockey moms are speaking of Trump while getting their morning breakfast drink at Starbucks.
Its time we galvanize behind a man who has the energy, personal charisma, vision, and real-world experience that can help pull America out of the quicksand that Progressives, the current administration, and weak political thinking by both parties have stuck us in.
Recently, I read that Glenn Beck was asking conservative pundits: “These are smart people. What am I missing? Why are you for Trump?”
Well to Mr.Beck and those asking similar questions, let me say this. For years I have heard politicians seemingly say the “right things” and have a consistent point of view. I have heard wonderfully intellectual answers to issues that sound great but are too nuanced to resonate on a deeper level.
Most politicians, while well-meaning, speak with a “forked tongue.” Im tired and bored of this. I like the plainspeak of Donald Trump. Some folks make it seem like you are a leper if one has a change of heart or personal growth on certain issues based on life’s circumstances. Well let me say—thats a lot of HOOEY! No one has talked about America with the kind of positive strength that I am hearing from Trump.
My question is what are you not hearing? For years, we needed someone who can use popular culture to bring a message that will resonate across the aisle. Trump has been on the inside of business, he knows how the sausage is made and let’s us know it. I want someone with the strength of character that will grind up Washington and serve it up to the American people. One must also take note of Trump’s family, his children are not rejecting him, they do not resent him, it is not easy being a father and Trump’s children seem to be hard working and nice people. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
America, we need someone who will not let the failed ideologies of the Left further erode the values our nation was built on, and who isn’t afraid of going up against the status quo. Instead of waiting for Trump to fail, I say let’s all help him succeed—for in doing so we just may be able to wake up the American Dream.