Statement from First Lady Melania Trump on Newly Released Information from the Department of Health and Human Services
Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released information on how States can cover the cost of treating babies suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). NAS occurs when babies are exposed to opioids or other addictive drugs during pregnancy, and then experience painful withdrawal symptoms during their first few weeks of life.
It is our responsibility to do all we can to ensure our most vulnerable are protected. This past year, I visited Lily’s Place in West Virginia, where addiction recovery treatment is available to the entire family. “Be Best” is dedicated to bringing attention to successful programs like Lily’s Place because our nation needs more programs like these to help struggling Americans. I am proud to support HHS in its continued efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. I encourage States, hospital groups, and nonprofits to click here to read more on the benefits and waivers available to help these babies and their parents.