Vice President Mike Pence
It was in Jerusalem that King David consecrated the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. Since its rebirth, the modern State of Israel has called Jerusalem the seat of its government. President Trump & the American people acknowledge this historic truth w the opening of the US Embassy.

President Donald J. Trump Keeps His Promise To Open U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem, Israel
FULFILLING A PROMISE: President Trump kept his promise by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and opening the U.S. Embassy there.
On December 6, 2017, President Trump kept his promise, announcing that the United States would begin recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and officially open our Embassy there.
Congress urged the President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel with the bipartisan 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act – a call unanimously reaffirmed by the Senate in 2017.
After decades of past Presidents committing to move the Embassy to Jerusalem on the campaign trail, only to renege on those promises while in office, President Trump has fulfilled his promise to support one of America’s strongest allies.
More than two decades of waivers delaying the Embassy move brought us no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
President Trump has made clear that old challenges demand new approaches, and that he will keep his word to the American people.
On May 14, 2018, the United States officially opened our Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel, 70 years to the day that President Truman recognized Israel as an independent country, making the United States the first nation to do so.
President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and advanced peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Announcing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is simply a recognition of reality.
Israel is a sovereign nation and, like every other sovereign nation, has the right to choose its own capital. Yet for 70 years we neglected to extend this basic courtesy to Israel that we extend to other countries.
Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli Parliament and the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the Prime Minister and President, as well as the headquarters of many government ministries.
STRIVING FOR PEACE: The Trump Administration continues to work to achieve a comprehensive peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The Trump Administration remains committed to achieving a lasting and comprehensive peace agreement.
Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is a necessary condition for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
President Trump has been clear that his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel does not mean the United States has taken a position on final status negotiations.
The Trump Administration believes that such decisions should be worked between Israelis and Palestinians.
The Trump Administration supports the status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites.
FULFILLING PROMISES QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY: After announcing the United States’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, President Trump quickly and efficiently opened the Embassy in Israel at a low cost to taxpayers.
President Trump opened the Embassy in Jerusalem in just six months, compared to the seven to ten years expected to build an entirely new and secure permanent embassy.
Initial modifications allowing the Embassy to open on May 14, 2018, cost just $400,000.
United States diplomatic staff in Israel has worked around the clock to ensure the Embassy was ready to open by May 14, 2018.
The Trump Administration has begun updating all Federal Government maps to reflect Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital under American policy.
To celebrate the opening of the United States’ new Embassy in Jerusalem, the Trump Administration sent a high-level delegation, led by Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan and including Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor Ivanka Trump, and Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt.