30 Oct

Unique and Impressive Skill Ted Cruz Possesses, but Is ‘Not Comfortable Talking About’

Unique and Impressive Skill Ted Cruz Possesses, but Is ‘Not Comfortable Talking About’
Beck said Cruz remembers anything as long as it’s been said to him out loud because it “imprints on him an audio file.”
“To be able to sit down — if you could just watch all the tapes of Vladimir Putin, nobody is getting around him,” Beck said. “You’re sitting down, ‘Actually, no, that’s not what you said.’ Yes it is. ‘No it’s not.’ … To have someone with a photographic or, in [Cruz’s] case, audiographic memory is a massive plus.”
Cruz is able to remember conversations verbatim, according to Beck. Though the skill has proven helpful in the Senate and on the campaign trail, Beck recalled Cruz telling him that he feels like “everybody is going to think I’m a robot.”
However, Cruz’s memory may have been what gave the senator the ability to call out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) over the Import-Export Bank reauthorization.
“That’s why he could rattle off word-for-word what Mitch McConnell said to him,” Beck co-host Pat Gray said. “And that’s why nobody disputed him. Because they know he’s right.”
“Correct,” Beck replied.
Beck said Cruz doesn’t discuss his unique skill often because he’s “not comfortable talking about it.” He said he told Cruz his memory skill is not a “cross or a burden,” but that it is a good thing. Gray said he believes the only other president who may have had a similar skill was Thomas Jefferson.
The junior senator has been taking advantage of the talent since high school.
In a 2013 interview with GQ, Cruz said he memorized the Constitution and would travel around Texas reciting it with his friends in a group they formed called the “Constitutional Corroborators.” And of course in the Senate, he drew on his skills during his 21-hour speech against the Affordable Care Act.

Wild Thing’s comment…………….
IMO it is an amazing and fantastic ability and very useful.