05 Oct

Another German Evicted By Government, From Home She’s Had For 23 Yrs, To Make Room For Migrants

Another German Evicted By Government, From Home She’s Had For 23 Yrs, To Make Room For Migrants
A German woman is protesting the eviction notice she received informing her she has until the end of the year to vacate the government-owned apartment she rents in order to make room for migrants who have arrived seeking asylum.
“I think it’s a scandal to throw tenants out of their apartments,” Gabriele Keller, 56, told Germany’s SWR television. “I can’t see the sense of it.”
Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported that Keller has lived in the same home in the city of Eschbach for 23 years and has now hired a lawyer to fight the eviction.

Wild Thing’s comment.………..
Screw that. Send them back to fight for their country. Most of them are men. They can fight.And how many of them are terrorists. sheesh.

BobF says:

The “Migrants” coming to Europe looks more like an invasion. People are being kicked out of their homes to give the invaders places to live. It seems Germany has surrendered.