29 Jul

Kerry Lies to Congress About Iran Deal & ‘Additional Protocol’

Kerry Lies to Congress About Iran Deal & ‘Additional Protocol’
Secretary of State John Kerry misled the House Foreign Affairs Committee in his attempt to defend the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, claiming in his opening statement that Iran had complied with the interim agreement “completely and totally,” and that Iran was “required” by the deal to ratify a key agreement that would prevent it from developing dangerous nuclear technologies in the future.
In fact, Iran violated parts of the interim agreement, and there is no guarantee that it will ratify the Additional Protocol to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Iran failed to comply with a condition of the interim Joint Plan of Action that required it to convert excess amounts of low-enriched uranium hexafluoride into uranium dioxide. Experts at the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) concluded that Iran had only met 9 percent of what was expected.
The State Department tried to spin that violation. As the ISIS experts noted: “When it became clear that Iran could not meet its commitment to convert the LEU into uranium dioxide, the United States revised its criteria for Iran meeting its obligations.”
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Wild Thing’s comment………..
I would not trust Kerry or Obama on anything.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Kerry lying is like a self winding watch ticking. Constant and smooth. Little effort and in rhythm. Dependable.