Members of a historic black church worshiped at their sanctuary Sunday for the first time since a gunman opened fire at a Bible study, killing nine people. (June 21)
The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church threw open its doors for Sunday morning service, as heavyhearted worshipers filed into the same sanctuary where nine of their fellow parishioners were slaughtered nearly four days ago.
The organ played “Amazing Grace” as 400 seats inside historic black church were filled by worshipers who vowed that a racist gunman would not break their faith.
“I woke up at 6 a.m. and I was determined to come here. In spite of what happened, the strength still remains in our unity,” said Eva Bryant, 55, with her 10-year-old granddaughter Demiyah in tow.
“I brought my granddaughter because I want her to see all races coming together and know that just because one bad thing happens, you don’t shut yourself from the world. Being active is important and so is showing our support for the victims’ families.”
Wild Thing’s comment………….
It is so sad and horrific what happened. These families are in my prayers and the members of this church as well.
Those are some amazing and godly people in that church.
One of my initial thoughts was how cowardly this racist gunman was. If he had a few guts why didn’t he go after a street corner full of drug dealers. Then he would have done society some good and might have been killed himself saving South Carolina a trial and more grief.