09 Apr

Rafael Cruz: (Ted Cruz’s Father) Talks About His Son

When he was eight years old I was very active in an organization called the Religious Roundtable. This was a coalition of Christians and Jews who was very instrumental in helping Reagan get elected. I was on the state board of the Religious Roundtable, so when my son Ted was eight years old, all we talked about around the dinner table was politics because I was so involved with the Reagan campaign.
So during that time is when I asked him so many times, ‘You know Ted, when I lost my freedom in Cuba I had no place to come to. If we lose our freedoms here where are we going to go? There is no place to go.’ As Ted enters high school the Free Enterprise Institute organizes a group of five kids, called them the Constitutional Corroborators, now Ted is reading the The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers, and each of the five kids memorized the entire U.S. Constitution.
So before my son left high school he was passionate about the Constitution. He was passionate about freedom and free markets and limited governments. And before he left high school he knew without a shadow of a doubt what his purpose was. And it was to defend and protect freedom and the Constitution, to fight for free markets and limited government.
And it became a passion in his life. So this is not a trajectory of three years, this is a trajectory of 30 years.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I like Ted’s father and I think America is blessed to have a man like Ted Cruz in office and he would make a great president.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I would be happy to support Ted Cruz. However, if Rick Perry enters the race I will be torn between the two. Probably favor Perry because he is older and has excellent executive experience. Maybe Perry 2016-2024, Cruz 2024-2032.

Wild Thing says:

I will be posting about both Cruz and Perry, they are the only ones I am wanting for president.