Lord, We thank You for those who are serving in our armed forces. Each day they are making brave sacrifices so that our country can remain strong and free. Keep them safe under the shelter of Your wings. And Lord, for their families back home——whose loving support enables our armed forces, to do all that they are called on to do——we ask that You comfort them and give them Your peace…the peace that passes all understanding.
I thank you too for my wonderful friends I have made through the years. They will live in my heart forever. Thank you to each one of you that come to this blog, thank you for your kindness, your input and friendship. Thank you for being a part of my life. ……Chrissie aka Wild Thing
Celtic Woman – “You Raise Me Up”
Happy New Year folks.
Wishing everyone here a Happy New Year. I hope 2015 is better for all of us and Ameica than 2014 was. A good start would be Boehner losing the Speaker’s position.