30 Sep

Allen West: Obama “Is Not a Leader”, Derelict in Duty

Allen West states, derelict in his duties as commander-in-chief for ignoring the warnings of IS’s “rapid growth”. It is abundantly clear obama is not reading his daily intel briefings and just does not care about the threats we face daily. He thinks he can community organize and talk his way out of anything or ignore problems that are “over there”.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Love what Allen West is saying and how he lists others as examples.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

ANARCHY…. LAWLESSNESS…. Caesar Obola wants our nation to be attacked so he can declare Marshall Law…
VOTE in 33 days PATRIOTS!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Caesar Obola yearns to declare Marshall Law…. VOTE in 33 days patriots!

BobF says:

Obama doesn’t have the leadership ability to lead a cub scout troop.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

When pressed to explain his failed policies obama reacts in a childish manner by blaming someone else. Like Col West says, obama will take credit for success but denies culpability for failures.