Trey Gowdy Shreds Law Professor on Need for A Special Counsel in IRS Investigation (Video)
Future Attorney General Trey Gowdy questions University of Baltimore School of Law professor Charles Tiefer on need for AG Eric Holder to appoint a special counsel for the IRS investigation
Add this to the greatest hits of Trey Gowdy smackdowns. The law professor gets absolutely pummeled here. He is no match for congressman Gowdy.
Wild Thing’s comment………….
Love Trey Gowdy! He is fantastic. We really do have several that speak up for us and I am thrilled for those we have like this.
Hopefully our Spartanburg South Carolinian will soon be a SC US SENATOR! WE take / VOTE back OUR US Senate in 91 days!!!
Trey’s wonderful web site:
That’s why they say, “those that can’t, teach”. This supposed law professor epitomizes that phrase. Who would want this idiot for a lawyer?
Beautiful. Gowdy has this law professor as a snack. No coThere are half a dozen or so capable members of the Congress. These are the conservatives. The blind mass of others are boring unproductive compromising Republicans