03 Jul

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama ‘Calculated’ Border Crisis to Justify Executive Order

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama ‘Calculated’ Border Crisis to Justify Executive Order

Wild Thing’s comment.………..
I wish Sheriff Joe was in charge of our border somehow.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

In a few days Uncle Sam & Lady Liberty will celebrate their 238th BIRTHDAY as a nation. Who are the Baracksheviks to tell RUSSIA and ISRAEL about THEIR….. BORDER SECURITY? WE take back the Senate in 124 days!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

PS: Joe is right! I would like to see these bus loads dropped off containing these un-vaccinated illegals at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or at the US Capitol, or at the Vatican, eh?! The churches and YMCA’s can house them too!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Charge Mexico and the countries of origin for every illegal crossing the border. $50,000 a head out of their foreign aid packages.