Rolling Thunder is a motorcycle Run and First Amendment demonstration which began in 1988 to bring awareness to the POW/MIA issue and achieve full accountability for, and the return of all service members, alive or dead, which were abandoned after the Vietnam War.
Marine and Wounded Veteran salute during Rolling Thunder
Wild Thing’s comment.………..
Thank you for supporting our POW/MIA’s and their families.
Thank you also for supporting our Vets and those currently serving this great nation.
Why Are you … RIDING … son?
I’d really like to know!
Is it because of Valley Forge,
or perhaps…..the Alamo?
— John Wayne, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7saPQzU4kpY
Wish to hell I could make a Rolling Thunder. My spirit is there though.
I bet obama hates the thunder and roar of those bikers/vets knowing that most of hose riders loathe his sorry ass.
That is great Darth, thank you.
Tom,I feel the same way. It would be so wonderful and special to be able to go. It would live in my heart forever.
I agree too about Obama.
PS: Robert Mitchum lived a few miles away from our home in Felton, Delaware. His brother (actor) John Mitchum followed Robert to Hollywood… In 1973 when US flag burnings were ongoing, John wrote Son, Why Are You Marching for his son Jack, and then passed it on to John Wayne to record it for THE DUKE’S only record, AMERICA: WHY I LOVE HER! Did you and Nick ever meet the Mitchum’s Chrissie & Nick?