15 May

Hero Cat Saves Young Boy From Dog Attack In Bakersfield

Hero cat saves child from dog attack
A boy and his mother were in their front yard, playing and watering the plants. The neighbor’s dog was let out of its backyard enclosure, seemingly by accident. The dog spotted the boy from across the yard and stalked up behind him. The boy never saw the attack coming. The dog clamped on to his leg and began dragging the boy. That’s when the family’s cat took action.
Not only did Tara the cat hurl itself at the dog, but she chased him down the street. Thankfully my son is fine!” Roger Triantafilo said in the description of the surveillance video footage he posted on YouTube.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Love how the cat moved right in on protecting the child.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I lurves cats! Tiny tigers.