11 Apr

Woman Throws Shoe at Hillary Clinton (Video)

Woman Throws Shoe at Hillary Clinton (Video)
A woman threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton on Thursday as the former secretary of state was delivering a speech at a Las Vegas hotel, but Clinton dodged it and continued with her remarks, a U.S. Secret Service spokesman said.
Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie said the shoe-thrower was not a ticketed guest for Clinton’s speech at the Mandalay Bay hotel and had been spotted by Secret Service agents and hotel security guards before the incident.
“As agents and hotel security approached her she threw a shoe and was immediately taken into custody by the Secret Service and hotel security,” Ogilvie said.
Footage of the incident broadcast by KTNV-TV showed Clinton, 66, crouching to dodge an object as she stood on stage.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
To quote Hillary…….. “What Difference Does It Make”

Heltau says:

Does anyone remember when Bush had a shoe thrown at him, and the shoe thrower was a hero to all the libturds. Plus Bush was NEVER portrayed as a victim by a libturd wacko?
This time the shoe thrower is evil and needs to be thrown into the clink.