Dem Rep. Gwen Moore Sets The Bar As Low As It Can Go For Obama’s Second Term: “He’s Getting An ‘A’ To Just Occupy The Spot”
Speaking with reporters from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel last month, Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) said she was “so relieved when [Obama] won,” and would give Obama an ‘A’ in his second term if he would “just occupy the spot.”
When asked by a reporter to give a progress report on Obama’s second term and to grade him, Moore declined to at first saying, “I’m not going to give Obama a grade. I’m glad he’s there. A Grade compared to what? Compared to Mitt Romney being there?” […]
“No, no, he’s getting an ‘A’ then. He’s getting an ‘A’ compared to—I was so relieved when he won. Just occupy the spot. If he did that, that would be an ‘A,’ versus what I would be expecting if we were to have Mitt Romney in there now. Right now, we’d be dismantling the Affordable Care Act. We’d be breaching protections under the Social Security Act. We’d be undoing environmental protections, and on and on and on.”
Wild Thing’s comment………….
Totally stupid remark. Plus she does not even realize how it makes her dictator look to only have to exist in the WH. A rock would be as functional. hahahhaa
The collective IQ of the Congressional Black Caucus hovers somewhere in the single digit range. Maybe even with a minus sign in front.