28 Dec

Krauthammer on the 20 New ObamaCare Taxes Headed our Way: “A Huge Transfer of Wealth”

Krauthammer on the 20 New ObamaCare Taxes Headed our Way: “A Huge Transfer of Wealth”
Krauthammer was on The Factor last night guest hosted by Juan. The topic was initially was Obamacare and the new fees and taxes that are coming. Juan asked Krauthammer about the new taxes and where is the money going. Krauthammer’s response – where do think Sandra Fluke is getting free contraception. There is over $1 trillion on new Obamacare taxes. And there is the hidden tax of higher insurance premiums due to unneeded benefits. Obama is the greatest wealth trasnfer in the history of this country. And the liberal media chose to ignore it long enough to get Obama re-elected.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
Thank you Charles.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Well, the bastard obama said he was going to transfer wealth. It will take years to discover all the rules, regs, laws and taxes,fees and fines hidden in those 2700 pages of socialism.