24 Nov

Obama’s Nuclear Deal Includes $4.2 Billion in Aid Relief to Iran

Yeshiva News reported:
Early reports state that Iran received a break of $4 billion in sanctions relief. Iran will get access to $4.2 billion in foreign exchange as part of an agreement under which it will curb its nuclear program in exchange for limited sanctions relief, a Western diplomat said on Sunday.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
‘Aid and Comfort’. to the enemy.

bobf says:

4.2 Billion will certainly help them get their nuclear program to full operational status. They may join the nuclear club next year sometime.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I just wonder where that $4.2B will come from. Dollars to donuts the bulk of it comes from the US taxpayer. Maybe it should come from Kerry’s fortune. Make it his deal, his money.