11 Oct

White House Press Corps Openly Mocks Jay Carney’s Over-the-Top Rhetoric in Attacking Republicans

White House Press Corps is getting fed up with the Jay Carney/Barack Obama over-the-top rhetoric in attacking Republicans. Here they rebel against Carney’s constant use of words like “ranson,” “nuclear weapon,” and many other metaphors Carney has tried using to attack the GOP.

Wild Thing’s comment.………..
Job or not, Carney cannot be a good person when he is willing to lie for Obama like he does.

bobf says:

Bottom line: The president believes himself to be above the American Citizens and their elected representatives.

PAPhotog says:

Bottom line is this POS is just a paid liar for a lying “POTUS”

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Asinine sillinous in what should be a very serious atmosphere. These insane propaganda press conferences should just be stopped. What if the WH have a press conference and no reporters showed up!