Rep. Peter King Not Done Yet: 30 To 40 “Dangerous” Republicans Are “Willing To Demonize Obama Because He’s From A Different Party”…
The Hill
People are willing to demonize Obama because he’s from a different party, Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said.
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said Tuesday that there are about 30 to 40 Republicans in Congress who refuse to recognize the legitimacy of Obama’s presidency and are seeking to erase everything that’s happened during his administration.
King made the remarks in a discussion with Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, after the host asked how many Republicans would like to “erase [Obama’s] record as if he was never here.” […]
“This is a very dangerous aspect to our government,” King said. “The fact that we have people who are willing to demonize the president of the United States because he’s from a different party.”
Wild Thing’s comment.…………
He must be drinking McCain’s kool-aid of being a traitor to our country. Peter King just keeps doing more and more damage to more Republicans getting elected. He has constantly been attacking other Republicans.
Where was King during the Bush Administration? Was he in hibernation up in the Catskills? What the heck did he think Democrats did to GW Bush and are still doing? But, what can you expect from a politician from the NY City area?
Perhaps he and McCain should just switch parties and they might feel more at home and more at ease.