FOX 35 News Orlando
Wounded Marine Vet Sued By City for Flying Military Flags at His Restaurant
Orlando restaurant owner Eddie Colosimo, a wounded Marine Corps veteran, was told this week he could no longer fly military flags in front of his business establishment.
Colosimo is being fined $300 a day by the City of Holly Hill for refusing to take the flags down.
Eddie Colosimo runs Holy Hill’s Bikers for First Amendments Rights restaurant and bar. It’s a non-profit that helps support military veterans.
Colosimo, a wounded Marine Corps vet, is passionate about United States Armed Forces. His granddaughter, grandson, and son-in-law are all serving in different branches of the military. So, Colosimo decided to fly military flags representing all our servicemen and women in front of his the restaurant.
“These flags represent our men and women all over the world for us today!” he said.
These flags have been here every weekend for two years, but just this week, Colosimo received a letter from the city informing him that flying the flags violates a new city code passed in March.
“The fines will start today (Friday) for every day the flags fly,” he told us. “Please don’t try to tell me my Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force flags are flutter signs, and compare them to beer signs. That doesn’t fly!”
The new law requires businesses to apply for a permit to display a temporary sign or banner on their property; however, the American, POW, and state flags are allowed.
Now, Colosimo is being fined $300 a day by the City of Holly Hill. Officials just announced that they will hold a special hearing in two weeks to discuss the matter. For now, Colosimo says these flags aren’t going anywhere.
Wild Thing’s comment.…………………
God bless this Veteran!!!! There is no excuse for what they are doing to him.