09 Apr

CLASSIC: Margaret Thatcher Sums up Bankrupt Socialist Ideology in Debate with Liberal Socialists – Video 1990

CLASSIC: Margaret Thatcher Sums up Bankrupt Socialist Ideology in Debate with Liberal Socialists – 1990
This is CLASSIC Margaret Thatcher. The sad news of her death happened yesterday. But her legacy as a great leader for freedom and conservative values will live on. This video shows her at the end of her time as Prime Minister going back and forth with liberals and socialists in the British Parliament. She absolutely “hits the nail on the head” about the doomed-to-fail policies of Socialism. When one liberal started talking about the “gap between the rich and the poor,” she destroyed him by pointing out that Socialism “would rather the poor were poorer, provided the rich were less rich.”
She’s exactly right, and we are seeing that philosophy played out before our very eyes by the policies of Barack Obama.

Wild Thing’s comment.………………..
She will be missed and history will tell of her strengths and how she did so much to lead in the right way and not want socialism.
R.I.P. Margaret Thatcher

TomR,armed in Texas says:

She pulled England out of an economic hole and gave England a sense of pride and grandeur again. However, after Margaret Thatcher stepped down, the socilaists returned England to the pit of socialism and debt.