Barack Obama shoots a gun like he throws a baseball.
An anonymous gun expert, who did not wish to be identified, had this to say about Obama’s shooting style.
“Either the recoil kicked his ass or he doesn’t know to lean into the shot when shooting. He shoots a gun like he throws a baseball. That’s a ported shot gun. (holes – venting – at the end of the barrel. Less recoil.) You port really high power firearms to reduce the kick when fired. It helps with control and is less punishing. The smoke coming out of the top of the barrel lessens the muzzle jump and recoil. It means he’s a panzy. And it still threw him back. It also means he never shoots a gun.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………………..
LOL this is nothing more then a stupid photo to try and say Obama did not lie, but IMO he did lie. He cannot breath without telling lies.
There is so much about that picture that just doesn’t look right. The excessive smoke from that shotgun and the way obama is holding it. Of course, this purpose of this pic is publicity, so like so much connected to obama this is just another phony photo-op.
Remember kiddies; Propaganda Minister Jay the Carney says that we are not allowed to alter (photoshop) the image of Dear Ruler with his gun. Now I wish that I had photoshop and knew how to use it…