03 Jan

Speaker Boehner Promises to Pass Sandy Bill Without Senate Pork So Chill Out Chris Christie!

Speaker Boehner promised Wednesday to pass emergency spending bill to help pay for damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. The House bill will not include the millions of dollars in pork that were included in the Senate bill.
Earlier in the day Governor Chris Christie lashed out at Boehner for not holding a vote on the pork-laden senate bill.


Wild Thing’s comment………………..
I honestly don’t get it. It was explained why they did not include the Sandy bill with all the other things, because it was filled with pork. But Chris Christie had to make a huge deal about it in his own bully pulpit way.
Chris Christie is a total jerk. He should shut up. Boehner did the right thing, conservatives do not want more pork.
Christie is a disgusting slob.

BobF says:

Christie is only showing how his mouth matches the rest of his body.
Multi billions in pork that had nothing to do with relief efforts. Christie doesn’t care unless the money comes out of his states coffers.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

Chris Christie is an obnoxious idiot. My guess is that the GOP/RNC establishment may push him in the 2016 presidential primary. Or Jeb Bush. Hope we can get a good third party going for 2016. I know it will split the Repub vote, but our present GOP does NOT represent conservatives.

Wild Thing says:

Bob and Tom thank you sooo much.