Thank you all for being not only a part of Theodore’s World blog but also a very important
part of my life. Your kindness, help, input, the articles and other things you send to me, and support
and friendship has meant more to me then
I can ever repay.
As we spend this holiday with our family & friends we send special thanks to our
men & women in the armed forces, past & present for the freedoms we enjoy due to your
service & sacrifice! ~ Wild Thing aka Chrissie
Beautiful post Chrissie. I hope you and Nick have a warm and peaceful Thanksgiving.
I will be watching the Cowboys game later so my Thanksgiving will be part cursing and frustration but exciting, LOL. Luckily they are playing at home so there will be plenty of coverage of the lovely Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders to make up for the misadventures on the playing field.
Happy Thanksgiving to all here.
Tom, thank you and thank you for being my friend.