“It’s hard to claim incompetence when you have the information in a real-time manner as the White House did,” he said. “They were watching or listening to the attack on our people there in Benghazi for about seven hours. This, clearly, is a case of deciding not to help those people and now trying, in the waning days of the election campaign, to prevent Americans from learning what a cowardly and arrogant policy Obama picked in order to protect his election chances.”
Scheuer, who is also the bestselling author of “Imperial Hubris” and “Osama bin Laden,” said the Obama administration did nothing, according to what’s been aired publicly, to help those being attacked at the U.S. consulate.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
Benghazi was an Act of War, and 0bama allowed lsIamic terrorist to have a free pass to M U R D E R American’s on our own SOIL (American Embassies and Consulates in lsIamic countries). THAT IS TREASON!