28 Oct

Muslim Brotherhood Behind Benghazi Attack With Link to Obama

Wild Thing’s comment…………..
It will never stop with Obama, there will always be things that happen from him every day he is in office. I can hardly wait for him to be voted out, I pray that happens.

Carlos says:

“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a major lie being propagated. The lie is that America’s military might has tamed the Taliban.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I don’t know how far up the treason ladder obama has climbed. It is pretty damn far and I think he will never be taken to task for it. Bill Clinton never was.
Carlos. This is one of the best videos I have seen in many years. Laura Logan is telling the truth about our war with islam, not just a few muslim sects. She is a very very brave person. No president has spoken about the depth of this present war since it started in 1979 in Iran. Have you noticed that our war with islam has hardly been mentioned in the presidential campaign. Only Newt Gingrich referred to it. There are many more islamic attacks and incidents ahead for America. We need more Laura Logans. God Bless her, our troops and America.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you Carlos and Tom.