01 Oct

“We’re Seeing the Ugly Fruits of Obama’s Foreign Policy Unravel on Our TV Screens”

Paul Ryan: “We’re Seeing the Ugly Fruits of Obama’s Foreign Policy Unravel on Our TV Screens”
Paul Ryan slammed Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy this week on FOX News Sunday.
The Republican VP nominee told Chris Wallace the “ugly fruits” of a foreign policy of weakness is unraveling before our eyes on our TV screens.
“The Obama foreign policy is unraveling literally before our eyes on our TV screens. And so what Mitt Romney is going to do is lay out a very different vision for foreign policy. One that is a policy of strength where I would articulate or claim the president’s policy is one of weakness. We’re seeing the ugly fruits of the Obama foreign policy unravel around the world on our TV screens.“

Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank you Paul Ryan. What a mess Obama has done. If this had been Bush or any ther Republican President, the media would be pushing for impeachment.

BobF says:

Obama was suppose to make them love us. If this is love, I wouldn’t want to see their hate.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I think I am going to really like Vice President Paul Ryan.
Actually obama’s foreign policy is very simple, organized and successful. It is “snub our allies and embrace our enemies(esp. if they are islamic)”.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you so much Bob and Tom, I really do appreciate your thoughts on things I post.