The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the American ambassador to the country earlier this month “wasn’t just a mob action,” President Barack Obama said Monday.
During an appearance on the daytime TV show “The View,” Obama was asked if the attack was an act of terrorism. Administration officials began labeling it that way last week, but Obama didn’t use precisely that language.
“There’s no doubt that the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action. What’s clear is that, around the world, there are still a lot of threats out there,” Obama said, according to a pool report.
Initially, the Obama administration claimed the attack grew out of a protest underway at the consulate in response to an anti-Muslim video posted on the Internet. However, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said Sunday he had “no information” that a protest was underway at that consulate at the time of the attack.
Wild Thing’s comment………
He is not human, there really are no words I can think of bad enough for Obama.
This standard bearer of the Democrat party, our President describes the violent attack and killing of our American Ambassador in Libya as, “a bump in the road”.
Imagine for a moment working in the foreign service abroad and hearing this language from Washington, or being a relative or friend of this Ambassador or the three other foreign service officers killed.
Imagine being an American Ambassador abroad today responsible for your delegation of diplomats and staff with a White House and State Department in Washington which neither conveys confidence in our American missions in foreign capitals abroad nor a sense of safety for the staff you are responsible for.
Imagine working for the CIA abroad with the reluctance of anyone to work with American intelligence officers abroad with the betrayal committed upon the Pakistani doctor whose work led to the capture of Osama bin Laden that this self absorbed President takes far too much credit for and then abandons this doctor, the key figure in the operation.
Doctor Shakil Afridi helped the CIA run a fake vaccine program taking DNA samples in Pakistan in order to confirm Osama bin Laden’s presence in the city of Abbottabad which led to a narrowing of sites and the subsequent raid and capture. What’s been done to this Pakistani doctor was a crime, and it’s all swept under the rug by a compliant press/media with such overt bias.
Here’s a video, very worthwhile time spent for those seeking the truth on this subject told by these credible true professional CIA, Navy Seals and Special Ops:
These are all glaring examples of how today’s modern day far-left Democrat party simply cannot govern.
Peace through strength, prosperity at home and peace abroad is alien to them.
The leader of this Democrat party, this President continues to choose the easy road of governance, by seemingly not governing at all.
No engagement with Congress on serious fiscal issues at home. No engagement with foreign heads of state gathered in New York City for the UN’s annual General Assembly at a time when leadership in the defense of liberty on the world stage is so needed. Does he rise to the occasion ?
No, he chooses abdication of leadership, not any hard work, but instead the easy road of seeking popularity and celebrity by going to a New York City television studio to appear for an hour long chat show for women called, “The View”.
This aberration, this great American mistake must be corrected come November for the sake of the free world.
In the mean time, Bibi Netanyahu remains the de facto leader of the free world.
Carlos, thank you so much.