College Professor Tries To Force Students To Vote For Obama By Making Them Sign Pledge
A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.
Early last week Professor Sharon Sweet at Brevard Community College (BCC) allegedly told students to sign a pledge that reads: “I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.”
The pledge was printed off of GottaVote.org, a website funded by the Obama campaign.
University administrators said they learned about the incident late Thursday afternoon and launched an investigation, after they received a phone call from a concerned parent.
“Based on the allegations, Associate Professor Sweet has requested, and been granted, a leave of absence without pay effective immediately,” reads a statement put out by John Glisch, Associate Vice President for Communications at BCC.
UPDATE: A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.
Wild Thing’s comment.…………
How stupid, we live in America and to try to force a person to vote like this…sheesh. But they will try that’s for sure.
If Obama gets reelected, she’ll be given a high position within the Dept of Education. You can bet she’ll be rewarded for this.
This is not too surprising,in light of the overwhelmingly Leftist/Progressive, agenda that has been the stock and trade of this Nation’s schools and Universities.
It should be noted that the reason so many voters are so enamored with the Obama Agenda, is the fact that they are the product of Government Classes that feature only one side of the picture.
The Radicals of the 60’s. Ayres and Company, are watching this with profound satisfaction, in the realizationi that all of their efforts are bearing fruit.