Let’s just say it’s been a VERY strange photo-op day on the campaign trail for the Obama / Biden Ticket:
President Obama got a bear hug in Florida from a pizza parlor owner who literally lifted him off the floor! (Video above)
And I don’t even want to venture a guess at what Joe Biden is doing during a stop in Seaman, Ohio (Via Fox News):

Look at the 2 guys reaction on either side
(Vice President Joe Biden talks to customers during a stop at Cruisers Diner, Sept. 9, in Seaman, Ohio. Carolyn Kaster / AP)

Wild Thing’s comment……………
So much for respecting the office they hold and want a second time.
If we need any more proof that the voters in this Country are more interested in “Personality and Charisma”, than they are in issues and where the Candidate stands on them , we need look no further than these pictures. Although the Bikers at the table,seem to get it.
The Obama/Biden Administration has been a disaster from the get go, but they look good and give people the feeling that they are just “regular guys, ergo they get a pass.
You have to hand it to the Democrats and Obama. This gigantic, “bait and switch” game they are playing with the American voters, stands a good chance of getting them re-elected.
By the time all of these Hugging Pizza Shop owners realize that they can no longer show a profit, due to the taxes imposed upon them, it will be too late.
Obama and Biden? Their answer will be, you should have paid attention to the details, “Mr. Pizza Guy.”
This is the first administration in my adult life that fits the definition of sloven. No jacket, often no tie, sleeves rolled up like they are working. And we need to really reach to the low end terms to describe Michelle obama’s gaudiness. She definitely qualifies for the Walmart wtf pictures. She not only dresses like a bag lady, her attitude and social presentation is that of a vile hateful person who feels superior and intolerant to those around her. Cripes, even Bubba and Hillary had more class.
Sean and Tom, thank you so much for your input and thoughts on this. I agree with both of you.