Robert Spencer wrote this about the DNC Jumah:
But the most disturbing aspect of the entire “Jumah at the DNC” is not the obvious victimhood-mongering of its agenda, but the people involved. The Democrats are playing host to an unsavory gang of Islamic supremacists with numerous ties to jihad groups. Even this is not surprising, but it should be a matter of concern to any Americans who are more aware of the jihad threat than the average politically correct Democrat pol.
But, as Atlas Shrugs pointed out, the Obama Campaign denied Catholic Cardinal request to lead prayer at the convention.
President Obama turned down a chance to have Timothy Cardinal Dolan deliver a prayer at the Democratic National Convention after Dolan told Democrats he would be “grateful” to deliver a blessing in Charlotte.
Dolan — considered the top Catholic official in the nation, as head of the Archdiocese of New York and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops — tipped off Democrats a few weeks ago that he had agreed to deliver the prime-time benediction at the Republican convention in Tampa next week, Dolan’s spokesman Joseph Zwilling told The Post.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Kick him out with this election. Anyone that thinks not voting for president in this election no matter what the reason will be as much to blame if Obama gets elected again as the left are for voting for him. IMO
There are still some idiots out there that think they are so pure they will not vote for anyone that has not being their own personal candidate……they are wrong. get over it. I am not expecting everyone to be excited about the GOP candidate but at least for him or Obama will win.
How much more proof is needed that obama is a muslim. He is really not even being covert about it anymore. The question was settled for me when obama “slipped?” and told obama his thoughts were based on his muslim religion. The fact that obama did not immediately retract that statement sealed the deal for me. Since then when I observe his statements and actions I can see that HE IS A MUSLIM.
Tom, you said it better then I could, thank you so much.