
Our awesome troops.

Take THAT Rahm Emanuel. Chicago public reacts to Chick-fil-A controversy.

Pat Boone getting lunch at the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Billy Graham
Mike Huckabee on ‘Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day’: Massive Turnout Proves People Are Tired of Hypocrisy, Bigotry Toward Christians
Wild Thing’s comment..……….
At Facebook people were posting all day and late into the night of their home State and cities and how the crowds were……all huge….all long lines and what a great success this was.
This is what the polling places are going to look like come November. Conservatives are fed up and will turn out in record numbers.
I think, via the Tea Party, we are going to see the return of the Reagan Democrats at the polls in November.
….in spite of the crowds on a hot day, all reports indicate that people were well-behaved. Contrast that with the way progressive mirmydons behave when free stuff is being handed out by the gov’t…
Great input, I love you all so much. Thank you.
Have you seen this!!!! Lovely!!!!
Texas Barb thank you. I am glad he got fired that was horrible what he did to the employee. Thank you for sharing the link about it.