24 Jun

Monster Jerry Sandusky Under Suicide Watch – Why? Don’t protect him!

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania (CNN) — With the same decision announced on count after count — guilty, guilty, guilty — Jerry Sandusky’s emphatic denials he had sexually abused boys for years became obsolete, closing a chapter in a saga that has gripped Penn State and the nation.
After a three-week trial featuring emotional and often graphic testimony from eight of the former Penn State assistant football coach’s victims, a 12-person jury late Friday night convicted him on 45 of 48 counts. There were convictions related to all 10 victims alleged by prosecutors, with the three not-guilty verdicts applying to three individuals.
The verdict prompted people in central Pennsylvania to breathe a sigh of relief, believing a man many called a “monster” would pay the price for his crimes and their impact on his victims, as well as the Penn State community.
After Judge John Cleland revoked his bail Friday, Sandusky somberly left the courthouse in handcuffs, silently ducking into a police car as reporters asked him if he had anything to say to his victims.
He is on what it is commonly called suicide watch, one of his lawyers Karl Rominger told CNN. The move is a precaution and does not mean his client is suicidal, the lawyer insisted, saying the judge and warden just wanted “to put the precautions in place first and then evaluate later.”
Sandusky will be classified at Pennsylvania’s Camp Hill diagnostic facility before he is likely sent to a sex offender unit in the state prison system, Rominger said.
He should be sentenced in about 90 days, according to Cleland. If he gets more than two years, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections will determine the prison where Sandusky will serve his time.
Sandusky’s stepson also stated yesterday that his father had abused him. However, jurors were not aware of this as they were sequestered.

Wild Thing’s comment………….
He should be put to death and as soon as possible.

BobF says:

He needs to spend a few months in prison and see what it feels like to be raped by someone bigger and stronger then him.

Sean says:

Yes this guy is a monster and deserves whatever he gets.
The irony here is that the Liberal Press and the free thinking, “everyone has rights”, crowd, gives a pass to NAMBLA, an organization that all but encourages this type of behavior.

Wild Thing says:

Thank you Bob and Sean so much.