Van Jones: EPA Has Saved More Lives Than The American Military
Van Jones, former green czar to President Obama, suggested that the Keystone XL pipeline could harm America the way crack cocaine destroys the human body as he called for a grassroots environmentalist movement to push for cap and trade.
Jones praised the activists who fought Keystone by developing a drug metaphor. “They said, ‘we’re not going to let them jab this dirty needle of a pipeline into America. We’re not going to let them take the dirtiest energy ever created and cook it up and stick it into this country,” he said at the Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington D.C. this morning. “Through their courage, the project was derailed.” Obama and the White House have tried to limit the perception that they yielded to environmentalists on the issue, instead saying that the pipeline could be built once a suitable route is planned and approved. […]
Jones’ crack cocaine metaphor followed his suggestion that Republican budget hawks would cause American children to die. “They say we’ve got to eliminate the EPA — just wipe it out,” he said. “The EPA, which has probably saved more American lives in the past 30 years than even the Department of Defense. The EPA which is keeping the poison out of our childrens’ bodies.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Step outside Van Jones, there are a several million Veterans and troops serving today that would like to “instruct” you on how very wrong you are.
What a total jerk this guy is.
Jones followers are too stupid to realize that he’s wealthy and could care less about the price of gas or if anyone has a job. He doesn’t work. All he does is get paid to flab his lips and spout stupidity.
The Marxist, racist mind on display. It’s easy to see why obama likes this guy.
The Marxist, racist mind on display. It’s easy to see why obama likes this guy.The only differene between Van Jones and a ghetto gangsta is Van Jones pulls his pants up. Otherwise their minds are in the same gutter.
Bob, your right, I wish people would use their brains. They follow blindly and that is fine until it effects our country and that is what has been happening.
Tom, yes, they are both like twins in how they think.