15 Jun

This is Entirely Barack Obama’s Fault! Canada is building pipelines to sell gas to China

In April, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper revealed disheartening consequences for America’s energy policy at a think-tank event in Washington. Asked about President Obama’s decision to put off a decision on the construction of the cross-border Keystone XL pipeline, Harper explained that it would permanently alter Canadian energy policy.

What it really has highlighted for Canada is that our issue when it comes to energy and energy security is not North American self-sufficiency. Our energy [issue] is the necessity of diversifying our energy export markets. We can not be, as a country, in a situation where really our one, and in many cases almost only, energy partner could say no to our energy products. We just cannot be in that kind of position.

Stephen Harper was not making an idle threat or a political statement. Canada is moving full speed ahead with plans to sell tar-sands oil to other consumers, particularly China.
Keystone Fallout: As Promised, Canada Building Pipelines to Sell Oil to China
Harper went on to say that the alternative to a pipeline south into the Gulf region of the United States was a pipeline west to reach the markets of Asia. Now fast forward a couple months, and the New York Times is reporting this:

While Joe Oliver, Canada’s minister of natural resources, said in an interview that the United States would remain Canada’s “most important customer,” billions of barrels of oil that would have been refined and used in the United States are now poised to head elsewhere. Expansion of Canada’s fast-growing oil-sands industry will be restricted by the lack of pipeline capacity before the decade’s end, he said, which “adds to the urgency of building them so that the resources will not be stranded.”

Three new pipeline network proposals — two that call for heading west and the other east — have been put forward.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I could NOT hate Obama more then I do. This whole thing he all his fault, he cannot blame anyone else for this. He wants our country destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked Nick about it and he said it still might not be too late and that maybe we can still do some of it with Canada once Romney is president. Romney is all for the pipeline.

BobF says:

Just think of all them jobs that will open up as the pipeline goes West instead of South to Texas.
Maybe once Romney is president, we can drill our own oil to use and sell.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

This could be a scare tactic by Canada. I don’t know what commitment they may already have made to China. If they made a Chinese commitment already I wonder what percentage of tar sands production that involves and for how long.
Canada would much much rather deal with America. China is also a potential military and market threat to Canada. obama is the most despicable POS to ever stain the White House. I am hoping Canada is not signing any oil contracts until after our Nov. election.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I sure hope so, we need that to happen so badly.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I did not think of that, I pray that is what they ( Canada ) are doing. I have been praying they would hold off till after our election.

cuchieddie (on Obamba's Hit List) says:

I wake up every monring and go to bed every night praying that Comrade O-Hole has had a fatal cardiac arrest or that his transsexual mate has extinguished his smoldering brain cell.