09 Jun

News Poll: 60% Think Obamacare Mandate Violates Individual Rights

FOX News Poll: 60% Think Obamacare Mandate Violates Individual Rights
Nearly six in ten American voters want the Supreme Court to overturn at least part of the 2010 health care law, according to a new Fox News poll. .
The poll, released Friday, finds 38 percent of voters think the Supreme Court should toss out the entire law, while another 21 percent would keep most of the law, but invalidate the mandate for Americans to buy health insurance. Three voters in 10 think the court should let the entire law stand (30 percent).
When asked directly if the requirement to buy health insurance is a violation of individual rights protected by the Constitution, 60 percent of voters say yes — almost identical to the number who think the court should overturn at least that part of the health care law. . . .
A 65-percent majority of Republicans and a 40-percent plurality of independents want the law overturned completely. Some 14 percent of Democrats agree.
In general, more voters oppose the new health care law than favor it (49-40 percent). In April, soon after the court heard oral arguments, 53 percent were opposed and 40 percent favored it.
Slightly more voters say they trust Barack Obama (43 percent) than Mitt Romney (40 percent) to handle the health care issue. Nine percent say “neither.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
I hope andn pray with all I am that they vote to get rid of this monster Oboamacare.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I’ve got my fingers crossed that SCOTUS will shoot obamacare down. If that happens it will also weaken his reelection chances.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, me too, your right about how it will effect Obama too.