10 May

Mitt Romney Responds to President Obama’s Support of Gay Marriage ~ GREAT Response by Mitt

Mitt Romney responded to President Obama’s public support of gay marriage. Romney said, “My view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman. That’s my own preference, and I know other people have differing views. This is a very tender and sensitive topic.”


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Mitt will get attacked for this but only by those wanting the left agenda. I am glad Mitt said what he did. Like Rush and many others have said. Stick to conservative principles and a person can win.

Sean says:

You’re right, Romney will get attacked for this.
He had the gaunlet thrown down and he responded very well.What he is saying that it his personal preference, just as Obama is stating his preference.
If we read beyond the headlines, which most people won’t, we see that our Dear Leader also stated that he also believes it is an issue to be handled by the States.
Those in the gay community, can hardly claim any victory of value here.
What has been established is this. An unpopular President has come out in support of an issue, that has been voted down in almost every State, where it has appeared on the ballot.
The same people that vote on that issue also vote in the Presidential elections. Need we say more?

Wild Thing says:

Sean, excellent, love how you put all of what you said.